> Sure. Languages can have really strange and wacky
> vowel patterns, as well as
> disgustingly regular ones. I recommend that you check
http://www.cix.co.uk/~morven/lang/vowels.html for a survey of
> vowel system.
> I've found only one (minor) error on the page, in which the
> author claims
> that there are no languages with less than three vowels--to
> the best of my
> knowledge, Abhaz and Adygh have only one vowel, although some
> claim that they have two.
They do have two, and that's a fact. The vowels are /a/ and /@/, and the
rules for the schwa's appearance are *not* automatic. Another supposed
language with one vowel is Aranta, a language of Australia, bt I can't
check that one. Abkhaz and Adygh *definitely* have two.
Pavel Iosad pavel_iosad@mail.ru
Is mall a mharcaicheas am fear a bheachdaicheas
--Scottish proverb