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Re: Qosmiani website

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 4, 2001, 10:42
En réponse à "T. Leigh & M. Carchrie" <callanish@...>:

> Salut Christophe! Ça va? >
Bien merci !
> > So it seems that not only did Beatty consider his language to be the > "best illustration" of "maximum internationality" (as he says > elsewhere > in the book), but he also comsidered himself to be an "expert > philologist"! >
Of course! What did you expect? I'm wondering if it's not really a joke of somebody who hated auxlangs :))) . Can somebody really believe in that? And did he find an editor for the book, or did he have to edit it himself? :))
> > Now that I would love to see. I'm not Catholic, but I would gleefully > attend church every Sunday if the mass were givenin Qosmiani! >
> I'm surprised that he didn't translate any Biblical passages in the > book. >
Probably the Old Testament is too evil to touch and the New Testament too holy. I'm surprised that he didn't pretend that this language was the one spoken before the fall of Babel :)) (of course not! that's Old Testament! I just realised that :)) ).
> > I've looked through the grammar section of the book, and I don't see > any > mention of stress or accentuation anywhere. I wonder if he even > thought > of it, given that half of it is practically unpronounceable anyway! >
I wonder if he ever dared to pronounce it himself :) .
> > Hey Christophe, while I'm "talking" to you, I have a French question: > I've read that in certain regions like the Midi, people (or some > people) > still use the passé défini as the usual past tense in speech > (presumably > due to Occitan influence)... it that true? >
Frankly, I've never heard anyone, whether in the North or the South of France, using the Passé simple instead of the Passé composé in speech. But maybe in rural communities of the South it can happen, though there I would think they speak Occitan :))) .
> And, I should confess that I'm a huge Occitanophile, though I hardly > know any of the language yet (I've bought books and tapes, I just > don't > have the time to study them!). Anyway, I saw a post from you recently > which said that one of your languages, called Narbonósc (did I spell > it > right?), is a romance conlang with Occitan influence. So I was > wondering > if you have anything on line that I could look at? Ou en français ou > en > anglais. (J'ai étudié le français six années à l'école, mais > maintenant > j'ai 30 ans et il y a tant de temps que je ne parle plus ta belle > langue, et j'ai oublié presque tout! Je lis encore français très > lentement avec un dictionnaire, mais je ne peux plus le parler, > malheureusement...) >
Unfortunately, most of my knowledge of Franco-Provençal comes whether from small pages on the web (look at, that's where I find most of my resources) or from books I never bought but read in the FNAC (a huge store with a bookstore part where you're allowed to read as much as you want without buying, as long as you don't destroy the books :))) ). And of course there are my Que Sais-je about Old and Middle French :))) . Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.