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Re: Lighting Some Flames: Towards conlang artistry

From:Keith Gaughan <kgaughan@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 12, 2002, 18:26
From: Christophe Grandsire [mailto:christophe.grandsire@FREE.FR]

> En réponse à Peter Clark <pc451@...>: > > [snip excellent explanation] > > Well, I intended to make my own reply, but you basically said > all I wanted to > say, and much better than I would ever imagine doing. So > basically this mail is > just to tell you that I agree 100% with you. Thanks for > explaining my opinion > more clearly than I could ever do :)) .
At the risk of seeming like an idiot for posting a `me too' post, and bunging up the list quota without actually contributing to the debate, I'd like to agree with Peter & Christophe. Oh wait! I can actually contribute something! I had a friendly argument with a friend of mine about what activities could, in fairness, be considered artful. Part of my response for her was a mini-essay I put up in my weblog: I won't bother wasting bandwidth posting it.