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Re: Demotic/Koine/Prakit

From:And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Date:Saturday, April 8, 2000, 20:52
John Cowan:
> (The Yiddish of Germany went extinct in the late 19th or early 20th > centuries; by the time of the Holocaust, essentially all German Jews > spoke standard or regional German.)
What about the Yiddish of elsewhere in Eastern Europe? Had that died out too? If it survived in some countries, did it survive more in cities or in the countryside, and more in higher social strata or lower? Is the Yiddish spoken in America a survival from earlier immigration, or is it a language revival/resuscitation? ObConlang: Part of my reason for asking is I'm wondering what the Jewish community in Livagia speak/spoke (immigrated in the 1930s; some migrated to Israel after the war, and the rest have assimilated, except for the very elderly). --And.