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Re: Relay

From:Estel Telcontar <estel_telcontar@...>
Date:Friday, May 2, 2003, 7:12
 --- Peter Bleackley  wrote:
> I have a Khanga<thorn>yagon text that would be suitable for a > translation relay. > Who wants to play?
(tentatively) I... would like... to try... But I'm not sure if Ikanirae Seru is well enough developed yet... But maybe the only way to grow it is to stretch it... Is it cheating to ask about how long the text is, and what sort of text it is? Estel ______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now!


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Camilla Drefvenborg <elmindreda@...>
Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>