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Re: Font layouts

From:Carlos Thompson <cthompso@...>
Date:Friday, October 9, 1998, 4:20
De: Josh Brandt-Young <neonwave7@...>
Fecha: Jueves 8 de Octubre de 1998 18:13


>they are. Making a *font* that does what you're talking about (I mean >CTRL-ALT-SHIFT, etc.) is actually impossible AFAIK, because codes like >that govern programs and not fonts.
I've just got these from my keyboard: =C4 =C5 =C9 =DE =DC =DA =CD =D3 =D6 =C1 =A7 =D0 =D8 =C6 =A2 =D1 (For those with no MIME email readers: A dieresis, A ring, E acute, THORN= , U dieresis, U acute, I acute, O acute, O dieresis, A acute, Segment (SS), E= TH, O slash, AE ligature, cents symbol, N tilde) But some programs (MS-Word) won't use some of those characters for using keystrokes for other purposes. -- Carlos Th