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Re: Moniñesh

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 26, 2000, 0:40
>But surely all that fallout would negatively affect the whole Western >Hemisphere! Outside of the Americas, Spanish is a pretty minor >language. I'd expect a language like German to be more influential.
I was thinking the same thing. For Canada to nuke enough of the US, and the US to do the same, there would surely be enough radioactive fallout blown into the upper atmosphere, and carried in the winds heading east to affect western Europe. Since most of Canada's population lives 100 miles from the Canada/US border, they would have to strike hard and fast to nuke enough of the US, before the US launched it's nukes and wiped out Canada. ________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.