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Re: Moniñesh

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, April 24, 2000, 17:27
    Dan yl ruil wrote:
 <I'm basing Moniñesh (from "Modern English") on the estuary-influenced
British English, not USA English. Conhistorically, this is because the USA and
Canada will nuke each other into oblivion in 2038. Really, it's because I don't
know enough about the dialect spoken over there.
 Sounds like fun. Are there so many Spanish-speaking immigrants in your area?
Something called Spanglish is already developing in California (mainly amongst
Mexican-American teenagers as I understand it), quite possibly in the Miami
area too (Cublés?). And there's something called Nuyorican (New York + Puerto
Rican), as spoken in the Loisaida (Lower East Side).
 Generally, it's Spanish speakers incorporating English, not yet vice versa,
tho for some really bad Anglo-Spanish, listen to Geo.W.Bush (you're lucky
you're in England!).