Re: Khazars and Karaites (was: Re: Brithenig)
From: | Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...> |
Date: | Thursday, April 6, 2000, 23:07 |
On Thu, 6 Apr 2000 19:54:17 +0200 BP Jonsson <bpj@...> writes:
>...> Here are the data for those books i spoke of. Seems I got both
> editor and
> publisher wrong for the second one! <sigh!>
>...> /BP
> B.Philip Jonsson <mailto:bpj@...>
I found a book in my university library.
Author: Menges, Karl Heinrich, 1908-
Title: The Turkic languages and peoples : an introduction to
studies /
Edition: 2nd revised edition.
Published: Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1995.
Subject headings:
Turkic languages.
Turkic peoples.
It was originally written in 1968, it seems, and says that nothing is
known about the {Xazar} (i guess we know for sure what the KH in Khazar
means now) language. He doesn't even connect it with {Qarajîm} (^ =
macron), although he does say that Qarajîm is spoken by Jews, and has
many Hebrew influences in vocabulary and sentence structure.
-Stephen (Steg)
"azu-kõz ush!"