> Finally, can anybody suggest pointers with examples (conlang or natlang)
> on various systems of deriving verbs from nouns? Or languages where there
> is no distinction between nouns and verbs, but the core words are more
> nounlike than verblike (unlike Lojban, where gismu feel more like verbs
> than nouns to me). There are a lot of conlangs out there, and if
> already done this I'd love to look at their work :) I think I just need
> break through a conceptual barrier here.
It sounds like you need to download and study Rick Morneau's Lexical
Semantics essay. I suspect a complete verb-noun merge is impossible, as
certain nouns do not have any verb that could logically be ascribed to them
(rabbit? metaphysics? breadbox?).
The human didn't notice. Did other cats have this problem with their pets?