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Re: Weekly Vocab 20

From:Christopher Wright <faceloran@...>
Date:Friday, September 19, 2003, 22:49
You're right. I was so busy fending them off with my baster that this one
slipped through. But hey, you got the verb "slit" for free.

"Stay good! Stay good!"

Adam Walker palsalge
>--- Christopher Wright <faceloran@...> wrote: >> This is taken from _The Realistic Story_ by me. >> 1. cloud >> A cloud of pointless evil plagues the world. >> >> 2. to mock >> It mocks my solvency in evil. >> >> 3. to slit >> I pretend to be dead, and it does not kill me. >> > >I was just copying these out to beigin work on vocab, >etc. needed for the next batch of these when I noticed >that #3 above seems not to match vocabulary word with >exapmle sentence. I'm assuming there is a missing >sentence to go with "to slit" as well as a missing >vocab item meant to be in focus in the provided >sentence. Unless te anarchist cheese-carvers got you >while you were busy popping boils and such. > >Adam who has a couple hundred new vocab items to enter >in the C-a dictionary thanks to these exercises. > > > >===== >Il prori ul pa&#38621;veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji >fached. -- Carrajena proverb