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Re: average syllables per word?

From:Irina Rempt-Drijfhout <ira@...>
Date:Saturday, June 26, 1999, 19:54
On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Nik Taylor wrote:

> Oh, I'd guess anywhere from about just over one to around 4 or 5. > Actually, that would be of "roots", remember, some languages allow for > looooong series of affixes and/or incorporation.
For Valdyan: The starlings' song (I have yet to do it with a larger sample, such as the story of Grandpa and the Dragon) has 18 words and 40 syllables, an average of 2,2<repeating>. Counting the uninflected form of each word (root and intrinsic ending, if any) it's 34 syllables, average 1,8<repeating>. Inflected words that have an intrinsic ending (all verbs and about 60% of the nouns) don't gain a syllable on inflexion, one-syllable roots (the rest of the nouns) do; sometimes even two syllables, such as laz -> laziena (accusative plural). Verbs can have an aspect infix, adding another syllable. Known borrowings in Valdyan either fit themselves to the Valdyan system (like _laz_ "star" and _alab_ "brandy") or remain indeclinable (like _calesh_ "a poisonous herb"). What language the words come from doesn't seem to make a difference; both _alab_ and _calesh_ are from the same language, _laz_ from another one. Irina Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastynay. (myself) (English) (Nederlands)