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Re: average syllables per word?

From:Josh Roth <fuscian@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 30, 1999, 5:06
In a message dated 6/29/1999 2:00:48 PM, fflores@ARNET.COM.AR writes:

>(Speaking of consonant clusters... my favorite Georgian word >is _vprtskvni_ 'I am peeling it', which is supposed to be >one syllable. I don't know which part is 'peel', but I'm quite >sure it's not the vowel.)
Hmm.... "v" is the first person marker, and the rest of the word is actually=20 the root (including the vowel)=97third person objects are not marked. (At le= ast=20 that's what I gather from my books....) :-) Josh Roth