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Early daily translation - 9/25/200

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Sunday, September 24, 2000, 21:53
I am posting tomorrow's translation today as tomorrow is my Birthday and I
may not get time to get online.

English:   A willful beast must go his own way.
amman iar: lavanne vurannon torivas in rathisson alion ernorriel
nathya:    lavna awanon indraths alo tor norus


amman iar:

\f A willful beast must go his own way
\t lavanne     vurannon                torivas
\m lavan  -e   ve-    ur-  anno =ron   tor-        -iv  -as
\g animal -[A] descr- not- give =large obligatory- -hab -pres
\p n      -erg adj-   neg- v    =aug   mood-       -asp -tense
\x animal      willful       

\t in         rathisson          alion     ernorriel
\m in         rath =is    -on    al   -ion er-  norro -ie      -l
\g road =small -[Obl] it   -of  do-  go    -agt/thm -actn
\p ptp        n    =dim   -dat   3per -gen agt- v     -val     -vc
\x on.path            its       go


\f A willful beast must go his own way.
\t lavna  awanon           indraths         alo        tor
\m lavna  a-   wanon       in-  rath -s     al-   -o   tor
\g animal adj- willfulness -    road -small it-   -of  obligative
\p n      adj- n           abs- n    -dim   3per- -gen mood
\x animal willful          on.path          its        must

\t norus
\m nor -u        -s
\g go  -habitual -pres
\p v   -asp      -tense
\x go


David E. Bell
The Gray Wizard

"Wisdom begins in wonder." - Socrates