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Cyrillic letters for /T/ and /D/

From:Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Friday, February 22, 2008, 7:53
How would you all react to a (non-Slavic) Cyrillic-based
alphabet using upside-down Cyrillic {s} and {z} for /T/ and
/D/? The idea is that a 19th century alphabet maker was able
to turn existing lead types upside down to create new
symbols, but not to add diacritics or wholly new shapes.

/BP 8^)>
Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch atte melroch dotte se
   "C'est en vain que nos Josués littéraires crient
   à la langue de s'arrêter; les langues ni le soleil
   ne s'arrêtent plus. Le jour où elles se *fixent*,
   c'est qu'elles meurent."           (Victor Hugo)


David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Tristan McLeay <conlang@...>
Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>[Slaviconlang] Cyrillic letters for /T/ and /D/