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Re: CHAT: Texas weirdness [was Re: CHAT: Californian secessionists] [was Re: Liking G

From:Adam Walker <dreamertwo@...>
Date:Sunday, October 7, 2001, 4:36
>From: Cian Ross <cian@...> >Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 14:39:49 -0500 > >On 10/6/01 at 2:34 PM Thomas R. Wier wrote: > > >Quoting Cian Ross <cian@...>: > > > >> ...and the mosquitoes are bigger in Alaska. :) > > > >Not bigger, just LOTS more of 'em. That's why you > >stay inside sometimes. > >Dunno...I have yet to hear of a Texas mosquito that was large enough >to carry off lawn furniture....... :) > >Cian
LOL LOL LOL LOL Or as czHANg might say ::snarfle:: Adam who has poeple staring at him after that outburst of laughter _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at