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CHAT Re: Gregg Shorthand -- A Neography (ConScript)

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, February 1, 2007, 18:11
My Aunt Isabelle (1899-1977, peace be upon her) taught shorthand/typing in
the Milwaukee school system for many years (late 1920s-1965 or so). She
usually spent summers with us in South Dakota, and one summer in late 40s or
early 50s, set about teaching shorthand and typing to my sister and me, in
the optimistic belief that they would be useful as we approached those
high-school/college years when we'd need to take class notes and type
papers. We became quite proficient at both, at least during that summer ;-)
(Gregg definitely had a certain beauty, but for me, mainly, it was an early
introduction to a sort-of phonemic analysis of English). I've remained a
pretty good typist; shorthand proved to be too much of a good thing-- one
took _too_ copious notes....and it's vanished from memory*.  Sister, alas,
spent her college years partying, and never used, and doesn't remember,
either skill. (Over Christmas, I discovered she had no concept of the qwerty
keyboard on her new/old computer [which has probably been tossed out the
window by now; it WAS a mess].)
*Except for one feature: final -ing IIRC was a horizontal line with a
descender on the right. That's become a feature of my handwriting, at least
in quick notes to self.