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Re: Radical-Metathesis

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Thursday, February 7, 2008, 13:43
>Mr Veoler <veoler@...> wrote:
>My sketch 8.1.5 uses radical-metathesis, that is, the root have the >shape CCC, and the order of the consonants indicate a morphological >category.
>For example:
>rbl > rlb > railabi "know" >rbl > brl > bairali "learn"
Further interest would be added if a null consonant were allowed. Then one could have: C0C > 0CC, etc. I assume that the vowels are placed between the consonants and thus diphthongs, or at least double vowels, would be created. Hypothetically: ra0ot = raot Charlie


Mr Veoler <veoler@...>