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Re: Christmas?

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Sunday, December 17, 2000, 4:18
Eventually the Kash will get around to compiling "Tondeñesh i Cura-cura
Kashili Latondreleyi Tera" (Myths and Legends of the People of Planet
Terra), which will probably contain an adapted version, with many
explanatory footnotes, of Luke, Chapter 2.  For example, 2:13-14...

Tikuluñ yam kanguripe iyutikassa yuno shehama neleyi hindayi, ikirosa
Parahanan, kotani, endo ya tombar Parahane ri parandandrushni, i endo ri
hinda ya nurak kashile re haniyuni leleñ

tikulung  suddenly/  yam kangurip-e with messenger-DAT/  i-yu-tikas-sa
3pl.-INCH-see-past (i.e. became visible)/ yuno shehama all spirit(s)/
neliyi of heaven-GEN/ hindayi of earth-GEN/ i-kiro-sa 3pl-praise-past/
Par-ahan-an HON-create-ACC/ kotani word-their/  endo OPT/ ya = yale there
is/ tombar glory/ Par-ahan-e Creator-DAT / ri par-añ-landru-sh-ni LOC
HON-NOM-high-(ACC)PL-3Poss/ i and/ endo OPT/ ri hinda on earth(ACC)/ ya=
yale there is/ nurak peace/ kash-il-e
person-PL-DAT / re REL/ haniyu-ni soul, mind-3POSS / le-leng REDUP-good.

And now, back to shopping....