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CHAT: wasabi was: RE: conlang greetings? (was Re: Let me introd uce myself)

From:Karapcik, Mike <karapcik@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 15:12
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Adam Walker
| Subject: Re: conlang greetings? (was Re: Let me introduce myself)
| >From: jogloran <exponent@...>
| > I mean, what do you put it on? :) :)
| Fried peas, peanuts, fried fish, or best of all STRAIGHT!!
| Adam who is weird but hey . . .

        <Begin Homer Simson voice>
        Wasabi fried peas......  Mmmmmmmm.....

        I have met one person in my life who didn't like these. (Of course,
I had to dispose of her to keep the gene pool from being contaminated. ;-) )
Even people who don't like peas or vegetables will become greedy ba$$$$$$
and try to eat most of my @#$% bag when I find some of these!
        I've made various spiced fried and roasted nuts. A friend once made
wasabi baked peanuts, and it came out pretty good. I tried it, and it was
nasty. Hmmm, perhaps I should try again?

        Don't care for it straight, or plain, but a bit wrapped in the
special ginger is quite tasty.