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Re: Etruscana (was: some Proto-Quendic grammar)

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Monday, November 17, 2003, 20:45
In a message dated 2003:11:16 11:50:05 PM, andjo@FREE.FR writes:

>I suggest Basque was created as a deliberately non-humans conlang by a >bunch of Iberian prehistoric conlangers!
No! No! Basque was created as a deliberately Iberian prehistoric conlang by a bunch of non-human conlangers from Outter Space ;) BTW likewise for Japanese... Look at their Shinto Creation Myth! And their odd sci-fi-infused culture! --- º°`°º ø,¸¸,ø º°`°º ø,¸¸,ø º°`°º ø,¸¸,ø º°`°º º°`°º ø,¸~-> Hanuman Zhang, Sloth-Style Gungfu Typist "the sloth is a chinese poet upsidedown" --- Jack Kerouac {1922-69} "Chance is the inner rhythm of the world, and the soul of poetry." - Miguel de Unamuno "One thing foreigners, computers, and poets have in common is that they make unexpected linguistic associations." --- Jasia Reichardt "There is no reason for the poet to be limited to words, and in fact the poet is most poetic when inventing languages. Hence the concept of the poet as 'language designer'." --- O. B. Hardison, Jr. "La poésie date d' aujour d'hui." (Poetry dates from today) "La poésie est en jeu." (Poetry is in play) --- Blaise Cendrars