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Re: CHAT: A Story

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 11, 2001, 23:13
David Peterson wrote:

    I just recalled this story last night, and thought I'd tell it you all
not to get responses, but just because it's interesting.

(snip Story, which is hilarious).  I guess that's why I don't use Instant

Actually, it really amuses me in a perverse way when this happens.
Currently, on another conlang-type list, which shall be nameless but some
will know what I mean, there is a terribly earnest (and very fluent) young
Asian regaling the members with his ideas on just about everything.  One can
see the level of bemusement rising in the other members as replies come in.
Shortly, I suspect, it will turn nasty.......

Cybalist, where I lurk, often gets totally wacked-out posts from the "Every
language descends from X" school of thought, or, because it has key-words
like "Germanic", "Aryan" and "Caucasian", occasionally upsetting posts from
the racially challenged.  These turn nasty fast, until the offender is
banned. (Obviously, a moderator's nightmare...)