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Re: does conlanging change your sense of reality?

From:Alex Fink <000024@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 15:52
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 08:15:46 -0700, Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...> wrote:

>My experience, after many years of serious meditation and reflexive
observations of my own consciousness is that my thoughts form, whole and complete, BEFORE they are translated into language. [...]
>For someone who has not performed this experiment of halting the inner
dialog this claim seems to violate common sense. It is assumed that thoughts exist only as mental words or images. As far as I know, how this works on the consciously perceptible level is actually a point of variation between people, though maybe not a commonly acknowledged one. Some do think in language, i.e. have a linguistic internal monologue, some don't. I don't (outside of special cases), and being aware of the possibility of the distinction this is just plainly obvious to me, not something that requires deep meditative introspection to ascertain. (Granted, there might be some uniformity at a deeper level which does require that to perceive). The obvious questions then are whether and to what degree affectedness by Sapir-Whorfian factors, or for that matter just belief in Sapir-Whorf, depends on this distinction. Sai's interested in this distinction, p'r'aps he has more to say. Alex