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Re: Copyrighting/Patenting a Conlang

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Sunday, April 25, 2004, 0:34
Quoting "J. K. Hoffman" <ryumaou@...>:

> Okay first off, let me say that I'm asking this because someone on > another list asked it. I don't actually have a conlang that I'd be > worried about protecting. Though, I might one day.... > > In any case, has anyone looked into this? Has anyone done a conlang for > a published work that they worried about protecting? How about just > plain protecting one? > I seem to recall that there was some kind of legal case involving the > Tolkien estate, but I don't recall the details. Can anyone enlighten > me? Might that be applicable in this case?
There's, as far as I've known, been no actual legal case re: the Tolkien Estate's copyrights to JRRT's conlinguistic work, but there's been any amount of often acrimonious debate on the subject online. My advice as a one-time participitant is to stay out at all costs! What's a given is that you've got copyright on all and any actual texts you write in or of your conlangs; the debate is about whether and to what extent it's acceptable to extract linguistic information therefrom and compile lexica and the like. Andreas


Danny Wier <dawiertx@...>