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Re: Quest for colours: what's basic then?

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 27, 2004, 5:36
Javier BF wrote:

>>>White is an epitome of purity in all cultures. >>> >>> >>Wow. >> >>So, somebody did a study of ALL CULTURES and determined that, in each of >>those cultures, the "epitome of purity" meme was both present and >>associated with the color white. >> >>Must've been a DARPA grant. >> >> > >Can you name a single culture where this does not hold? > >A nihilist stance like the one you are displaying, merely >negating without providing any proof or argument to >contradict mine, leads us nowhere. > >My argument and proof is: I know of no culture where the >equation white=purity does not hold. >
Don't call that proof, because it's not. Evidence, perhaps. But Hanuman Zhang has just provided a counterexample, anyway. Also, I think that Messrs Line and BF are getting a little too excited. It doesn't help to go into a flame war, which you two seem dreadfully close to doing.