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Re: "Usefull languages"

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 26, 2002, 2:39
In a message dated 2002.02.24 08.07.41 PM:

>"Jonathan Knibb" <jonathan_knibb@...> > [... ] I strongly suspect (as I said in a previous post) that the constant
low-level >linguistic stimulation I experienced each morning in the shower during my formative >years played a significant part in keeping my interest in languages fired up. to which dawier@YAHOO.COM writes:
>For me I think it would have to be Sesame Street, which mixes Spanish and >English educational features.
Don't laugh: for me, being perpetually confused-and-amused by bi-lingual/multi-lingual relatives and neighbors _did it_. And the zenith of this mixed emotional response was my dad freaking me out and delighting me with the multilingual wordplay of James Joyce's _Finnegans Wake_ & the multilingual sections of T.S. Eliot's _The Wasteland_ . I was only like 9 or 10!!! "Permanently scarred I tell ya! Permanently scarred!!!" Also - in more recent years - envying my polyglot friend Yuri who knows 39 languages - fluent enough to get certified & paid as a "simultaneous translator" in something like 22-25 of them. . . so fluent in Dutch that some Dutch people don't think he is really Russian ... and he knows quite a few strange/oddball languages - mostly NatLangs, but also the AuxLangs Esperanto, Interlingua and Glosa - besides some of the usual Big Brand Name Languages in the Top 20 ;) When he gets excited or manic, he language-switches way too fast for anyone with less than polyglot skills. Drives 98.5 % of people absolutely bonkers ;) Yes, I have tried/still trying to get him on this list. He'd be a great resource at the very least. So far the most I seem to get out of him is some help with Lego, my ConArtAuxLang. He has argued very ConLang-ishly - and successfully - in favour of Lego being VSO and not SVO, for instance. BTW just outta curiosity- I would like to find out more on various VSO languages - both Nat and Con ::shape-shifts into Thievin' Magpie Mode ;) :: czHANg23, Avatar of Sun WuKong, a.k.a. "Monkey," a.k.a. "TricksterGod of the Han Chinese" ~ om hung hanumatay rudratmakai hung phat ~ ~~~ mantra to Hanuman the Hindu Monkey TricksterGod Hail to thee TricksterGods! IO THEE CHAOSGODHEAD!!! ~~~ thee Tru Priz ov Existenz iz Ætern'l Warfær 'n' Creativ Playf'llniz~~~ ~§~ by hook or by crook ~§~


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>