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Re: "Usefull languages"

From:Clint Jackson Baker <litrex1@...>
Date:Saturday, February 16, 2002, 23:40

> > Hehehe... spelling bees... > Though, it is useful for English speakers to focus > on spelling, at least > in English, because it is so difficult. You should > see how some of my > peers spell... sometimes it's so bad you can't even > understand it, which > defeats the purpose of (written) communication. > OT: I assume most pioneers probably had a bible, but > then, I don't think > that's much more entertaining than a dictionary, > imo.... > > The Aquamarine Demon
I have had profs whose spelling is abysmal. Myself, I never had problems. In Indiana we have a strange thing in high school called Spell Bowl. It's a team competition in written spelling. My team finished in the top three in state all three years I belonged to the team. I also had a team member who received a special honor in being the first competitor never to miss a word at any level in four years of play. As to the Bible, I don't think it would have been considered entertainment back then. Believe it or not, I belonged to a competitive team in which we played this quiz-bowl sort of game with toss-ups and bonuses, in which the material was about 50 chapters of Scripture in a given year. Some of the players could quote all 50 chapters down pat, but, oddly, those tended to be the same players with the worst attitudes. I think it awful now that they reduced holy writings to trivia. Clint __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games