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Not So (was: Strange sounds)

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Monday, February 28, 2000, 11:04
FFlores wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: FFlores <fflores@...>
Date: Monday, February 28, 2000 1:42 AM
Subject: Strange sounds

>Trying new sounds, I discovered I had found a >distinctive new point of articulation (well, >new for me). I'm articulating a fricative >like this: my tongue tip is pointing down, >touching the inner face of my lower teeth >(and my gums too); the middle part (blade?) >is arched up, and touching the palatal >ridge. My upper teeth are pressed against >my tongue, my lips a bit apart, and I can >either blow between my teeth and tongue >(which is difficult) or laterally, making >my cheeks inflate. I can also make a stop >like this, maybe with some affrication >(not lateral). > >All in all, the fricative is quite dental, >like a malformed /T/, but the stop is quite >distinctive. Is this a sound in any natlang? >How would you call it?
Its called a (lamino-) denti-alveolar sound. I put 'lamino-' in parenthesis because denti-alveolar sounds are always laminal. They are common among the Australian aboriginal languages and are often constrastive with other coronal stops, nasals, and sometimes liquids including apico-alveolar, lamino-alveopalatal, and apico-alveopalatal (retroflex). Incidentally, denti-alveolar stops also exist in Boreanesian and is constrastive with another coronal; apico-alveolar. They sound somewhat like a /t/ sound with a lisp - but I don't think its that strange a sound ;-) -kristian- 8)