What do you do for more "oblique" relatives? Things like "the room where /
in which I am singing" or "the person to / for whom I am singing".
(the M with which I sign my emails)
Rachel Klippenstein wrote:
>If we add the "nominally relative subject" forms to cwrian-, we get
>things like the following:
>cwrian-no /kurjan:no/ "he who sings/is singing" / "the singer"
>cwrian-co /kurjanko/ "I who sing/am singing" / "I, the singer"
>cwrian-wo /kurjanwo/ "you who sing/are singing" / "you, the singer"
>cwrian-mom /kurjanmom/ "they who (are) sing(ing) them"
>cwrian-coh /kurjankox/ "I who (am) sing(ing) it"
>cwrian-ioh /kurjanjox/ "youguys who (are) sing(ing) it"
>What about nominal relative object forms? Added to cwrian-, they
>produce forms like this:
>cwrian-meom /kurjanmeom/ "those [songs] that they are singing"
>cwrian-ceoh /kurjankeox/ "it/that [song] that I am singing"
>cwrian-ieoh /kurjanjeox/ "it/that [song] that youguys are singing"