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Re: THEORY: Languages divided by politics and religion

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Saturday, May 27, 2000, 23:52
>From: Danny Wier <dawier@...>
>The differentiation of Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian (I don't believe there >is much of a "Montenegrin" language or even dialect) of course came as a >result of politics and religion. Simultaneously, they are one langauge and >they are three languages. A "trinity", if you wanna call it such.
Well, I better take that back. Most Christians believe in one God in three Persons, thus the Trinity, from "tri-unity". The three Persons are equal in divinity and all agree in every way. The three languages once blanket-labled as Serbo-Croatian, on the other hand, are the languages of three nations that not too long ago were at each others' throats. Tom asked what should be the definition of a "person". It's easy to assume that's synonomous with a singular human being. But in psychiatry, what if you have the unfortunate case of multiple personalities (the disorder is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder, or DID; schizophrenia is in no way a "split personality disorder" as it is a psychotic disorder, meaning a disruption of one's perception and reasoning which might mimic a personality change). It would then be possible for one to determine that God has DID since he's one being with three persons, if you assume that "person" is synonomous with "personality". After all, God relates to mankind in three ways through His three Persons: the Father the Creator, the Son the Savior, and the Holy Spirit the Sustainer. (Hinduism has a very similar concept of OM, the pantheistic notion of Godhead and Godhood -- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, though the functions of the three are different and these are regarded as three gods, not one god in three persons, personalities, or even manifestations or titles of address.) The notion of a Trinity more correctly refers to a notion of a complete, holistic Deity, and a Church built on that foundation which is both visible and invisible, both temporal and spiritual. (getting off soapbox) DaW. ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at