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Re: Performative verbs (was: Re: here is some stuff i want all of ya'll to look at)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 31, 2004, 19:02
En réponse à Andreas Johansson :

>My experience as a language learner is that the irregularity of common verbs >isn't a problem;
I'm not talking only about common verbs. After all, performative verbs are not that many but used quite often in my experience. I'm just talking about *all* non-performative verbs, whether they are common or not.
> their frequency of use makes sure they etch themselves into >one's mind.
But only if they are not too many :) .
> _Uncommon_ irregular verbs is where I tend to make mistakes. I'd >therefore expect irregularity in the less common conjugation to be more >troublesome.
The thing is, performative verbs are not that uncommonly used IMHO.
>There's, of course, a simple solution; make both conjugations equally >fiendishly >complex! :)
Basically they will be, with a big difference: the performative form will be monolithic, while the non-performative form will always cut the verb in two (in a way not unlike German verbs with separable particles, just without a clear separation between the verb root and the particle), adding the complexity of knowing which part goes where and which part takes which conjugation ;))) . Christophe Grandsire. You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.