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CHAT: uGLy KaPiTaL LeTTRes & Klingon (was Luca's Re: Ke'kh)

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Thursday, September 21, 2000, 20:29
In a message dated 2000:09:21 12:27:45 PM, mangiat@TIN.IT writes:

>And I agree with you. Capitalized letters remind me of one of the ugliest >Conlangs I've ever seen, Klingon.
*snARfLe* You seen Borg? I forgot the website URL... my browser (AOL) is acting up pretty badly lately... There was a Bauhaus designer/typographer by the name of Bayer who insisted that lower-case lettering was the way of the future (he also proposed a "fonetik reform ov Inglish" with his own "alfabet."... I have much more info on hand, but don't know if anyone is THAT intrigued, or reading my postings this/so far ... ) czHANg