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Re: Betreft: Re: Virama (was: New and Improved Script....)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 21, 2000, 8:50 writes:
>Talking about the virama, in my opinion the form >of the virama you made in your last script is a bit odd. >It is the only sign that is very hooked. >Why didn't you use a virama like in the Saalangal >script (that has a curve)? >Rob
Well it's the same script. The reason is, when I write quickly I cant make it curved (well the top part anyway, the angle gets rounded). So for ease of writing, it becomes angled. I've been thinking of adding regional differences, like a straight line with no top bar, or a rounded virama like a backwards C. ________________________________________________ It's worth the risk of burning, to have a second chance...