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Re: Beijing, Zhongguo, etc. (was Re: 'out-' affix in conlangs?)

From:Ollock Ackeop <ollock@...>
Date:Thursday, August 14, 2008, 14:44
For Yeltax I have a couple of strategies.  Normally, they will try to use
native terms (or, for planets, the native name in the most widespread,
internationally used language) from the time of discovery.  Since during the
initial discovery phase, the Xala send yelakkaja to various places around
the planet being studied, this sort of occurs naturally.  And of course,
there are some native names that Xala simply cannot approximate in their own
langauge (or even physically come close to the native pronunciation, as with
Kesatan Sign Language) and are forced to coin their own toponym.  Often the
suffix -ta "place, planet, world" is used for coinages (as in Kesata = kesa
"water" + -ta).

Also -- regarding country names -- those of you who have altlangs, how much
effort to you go to in researching historical names in related languages and
finding the one most likely to occur in your lang?

(Note:  Bug:  "Quote original message" button returns garbage)