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Re: CHAT: Politeness in conlangs

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Thursday, June 10, 1999, 0:16 writes:
>"They"? Very unusual to have a third person pronoun be used for second >person.
It is odd =). Usually, if you are talking about others to a group, you introduce who the others are. If not, it is understood as meaning "you all". I forgot to add that it is an older way of saying it. Now most people use laao (la-a-o) - you all (which came into use just about 80 years ago, because it did get confusing to use "they" for you all =) ). Also, if someone is requesting something be done, they use the request affix of pan-. As in: Please get my cup. - Pankuha umi ng koa jasa (please get - you - subj. marker - mine/my - cup). ____________________________________________________________________ "Bailando en el fuego con un gran deseo" - India ____________________________________________________________________