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Re: CHAT: Politeness in conlangs

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Thursday, June 10, 1999, 8:56
On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Barry Garcia wrote:

> Reading the discusssion about politeness prefixes, i am wondering, how > does everyone here handle them in your languages? In Sakatda Ka Kadomo > there is a familiar you (umi) and a formal > you (ami). For you all, they use the pronoun for "they" >
Denden has four full sets of pronouns that indicate a degree of respect (and a set of pronouns that is used between lovers). I've always termed them insulting, normal, polite and very polite, but nowadays I prefer low grade honorific to very high grade honorific. There used to be another set of pronouns used in conversation with the emperor, and the Broyan stage language still has those. Low Grade Honorific 1 2m 2f 3m 3f s ye yai rai p yer yanan yanir rao ras Middle Grade Honorific 1 2m 2f 3m 3f 3INAN s do dan dir da p dos di dasan dasir dao (Only in the third person plural of the most unmarked set of pronouns does Denden make a distinction between animate and inanimate) High Grade Honorific 1 2m 2f 3m 3f s sero seri sera seras p serir serdan serdir serasdan serasdir Very High Grade Honorific 1 2/3m 2/3f s laka shauldan shaulyadir p lakadir shauldir shaulyadirdir The second and third person very high grade honorific pronouns show the pattern discussed before: a third person pronoun used as an extra-polite second person pronoun. _Shauldan_ and _shauldir_ are titles, roughly meaning 'wise man', 'wise woman'. Affective 1 2 3m 3f s ni te dam drai p nidir tedir damdir draidir These pronouns are used between or about people that love each other both emotionally and sexually. They are inappropriate when the relation is that of a courtesan and a patron or that of a parent and a child. The third person pronouns simply mean 'young man' and 'young woman'. There are also affective, despising and flattering verbal suffixes. I'm currently leaning towards reanalyzing the flattering verbal suffix as a respectful attitudinal suffix. Boudewijn Rempt |