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Re: inalienable possession

From:charles <catty@...>
Date:Saturday, November 21, 1998, 22:06
[some snippage]

On Sat, 21 Nov 1998, Tim Smith wrote:

> At 02:18 PM 11/20/98 -0500, Nik Taylor wrote:
> >charles wrote: > >> I've been thinking of using active and passive participles > >> to replace all prepositions. Is that possible in natlangs?
> >adpositions. Words like "top" lose their nominal/verbal quality and > >become purely adpositional, but there are languages with only one or two > >generic prepositions, it's just that that's probably only a temporary > >condition, after a while, noun/verb phrases evolve into full-blown > >adpositions.
> A few months ago, I posted a rough sketch of a grammar in which all > adpositions are replaced by verbs, and in place of adpositional phrases > there are several kinds of serial verb constructions with switch-reference > marking. I still find this idea very interesting and intend to work it out > in more detail someday.
I have found it impossible to merge "transitive adverbs" with "adjective participles" because I need them both after all. Except for nouns, which have zero "valency", everything else is verb-like; adjective/statives take 1 argument noun, transitive verbs 2, transitive adverbs (prepositions) 2 as well. I prefer breaking di-transitive verbs into verb + adverb. It never seems right to me to have random unclassed "particles" floating around doing magical arbitrary things.