En réponse à E-Ching Ng <e-ching.ng@...>:
> Hi, I'm new to the list.
Hi! I just come here to say "welcome to the list" :) .
I can't figure out how to search the
> conlang archives without searching all the other archives at the same
> time, so apologies in advance if this is something the list has
> discussed before. I'm inventing a new Indo-European subfamily for a
> class project, and I'm going to have them migrate to China and become
> a latter-day minority group.
Wow! What a class project! I hope you have the whole year to work on it :) .
At some point I'll sketch out some of
> their
> syntax so I can write a tiny text in the language, but phonology and
> some morphology are what I really have to nail down for this project.
When it's done, please share with us, we're always very curious about other
people's creations.