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Babel text... Long

From:Chris Bates <chris.maths_student@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 15, 2004, 15:55
And there's a rough babel text... I might change things but I've done
enough for today I think. :)

1a. weþen î ddera zole'l yaizod lluqu.
du-þê-n î ddera zole al yaiz-od lluqu
ind.pres-3rd.sing-intrans def.abs world whole def.obl tongue-com one
The world had one tongue.
2a. duþen eñacroa ai reþen, duzcadjai'x tsilina ryidallena
du-þen-n eña-cro-a ai reþ-en, duzca-djai ex tsilina ryid-allena-a
ind.pres-3rd.plur-intrans go-eastward-perf def.nom person.plur,
find-conseq. indef.abs plain live-there-perf
The men went eastwards, and found a plain, and lived there.
3a. dullans gahuddea “goñoti egineqi'x wendatx þegoqi ganli”
du-llan-s gahu-dde-a “go-ño-ti egin-eqi ex wenda-tx þego-qi gan-li
pres.ind-4th.plur-3rd.plur say-trans-perf “pres.subj-1st.plur-3rd.plur
make-prog indef.abs brick-plur cook-prog good-adv
They said “let us make some bricks and cook them well”.
4A. dullansodjai gahuddea “goños egineqi'x þiuda, o siralayod
eñasudiqi'l þyallura, xodetseweþa daeñaseyua rocua'l ddera”
du-llan-s-odjai gahu-dde-a “go-ño-t egin-eqi ex þiuda, o sirala-yod
eña-sudi al þyallu-ra, xode-ts-eweþa da-eña-seyu-a rocu al ddera”
pres.ind-4th.plur-3rd.sing-conseq. speak-trans-perf
“pres.subj-1st.plur-3rd.sing make-prog indef.abs city, indef.obl
tower-with go-upward-stat def.obl sky-to, know-pass-purp.
not-go-over-perf cover def.obl earth”
And thus they said “let us make a city, with a tower which goes up to
the sky, in order to be known and not be gone (dispersed) covering the
5a. gero duþen eñadara'þ alai icuweþa î þiuda î sirala eginatseqi'l
gero du-þe-n eña-dara-a îþ alai icu-weþa î þiuda î sirala egin-ats-eqi
al reþ-otx-az.
But/Then pres.ind-3rd.sing-intrans go-down-perf def.nom lord see-purp
def.abs city def.abs tower make-pass-prog def.obl person-plur-ins.
But then the lord went down to see the city (and) the tower that were
being built by the men.
6a. dullas gahuddea “duþensgosi egineqi î axe te'x ñeqce lluqu, gero
da'ai'x coza daneiþeqce eginatsa henez.”
du-lla-s gahu-dde-a “du-þen-s-gosi egin-eqi î axe te ex ñeqce lluqu,
gero da-ai ex coza da-nei-þe-n-ce egin-ats-a hene-z.”
He said “if they are doing this being one people, then there isn't
anything that cannot be done by them”
7a. “eñon eñadaraqi alduneqi î yaizþen neiþeneweþa gahuqi”
“go-ño-n eña-dara-qi aldun-eqi î yaiz-þen nei-þen-n-eweþa gahu-yô”
pres.subj-1st.plur-intrans go-down-prog change-prog def.abs tongue-their
pres.poss-3rd.plur-intrans-purp. talk-hab.
“Let us go down and change their language, so that it is not possible
for them to talk”
8a. dullasidjai eñaganacyôa rocu'l ddera, duþans cesâ egineqi î þiuda.
du-lla-si-djai eña-gana-cyô-a rocu al ddera, du-þan-s cesâ-a egin-eqi î
pres.ind-4th.sing-3rd.plur-conseq. go-away/all.over-cause-perf cover
def.obl earth, pres.ind-3rd.plur-3rd.sing stop-perf make-prog def.abs city
So the lord scattered them over the earth, (and) they stopped building
the city.
9a. duþenodjai llañats Babel, llenadora duþes alduna'þ alai î yaiz al
ddera zole.
du-þe-n-odjai llañ-ats Babel, llena-dora du-þe-s aldun-a îþ alai î yaiz
al ddera zole.
pres.ind-3rd.sing-intrans-conseq. call-pass-stat Babel, there-reason
pres.ind-3rd.sing-3rd.sing change-perf def.nom lord def.abs tongue
def.obl world whole
Consequently it is called Babel, because there the lord changed the
tongue of the whole world.