>--- Chris Bates <christopher.bates@...>
>>I finally did a little bit of conlanging...
>>I'd like comments and or
>>suggestions. At the moment I only have the
>>document in rtf and doc
>>format (sorry...), does anyone want to have a
>>look? And if so, should I
>>post a message with it attached (about 70k for
>>the .doc) or would that
>>cause a bit problem for people with slower
>It would certainly do that. If you want to post
>it, your best bet would be to choose segments and
>copy-n-paste them into the body of a message.
>>I have some
>>webspace somewhere but I can't remember the
>>details I need to access it
>>and I don't know where I put them at the
>Geocities certainly offers free space, as do many
>other locations. If you've forgotten where yours
>Putting it online would also allow for folks to
>check it out at a later time.
>Samlan, isa-susansilo-war-mercumo crastandus, en! mercumes-don-crâgamando, en!
>mercumes-dom-resmanstaro haccruçen-fon-Mursilbâm!
>And now, the corpse lies limp, lo! even the body of strength, lo! even the body
>of Mursilbâm that slew the monster!
> [Erronian fragment]
>Come visit The World! --