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Re: CHAT: Glottalized consonants

From:Brian Betty <bbetty@...>
Date:Monday, May 17, 1999, 13:43
"I noticed that the glottalized consonants that people talk about are all
oral stops. But there are other kinds of consonants that can be
glottalized. Danny brought forward an excellent example of a group of
languages that have glottalized consonants other than oral stops. Salishan
languages do indeed have plenty of those. Including nasals and
approximants. But these nasals and approximants are more better described
as creaky voiced where the creakiness is strong enough to include a
superimposed glottal stop."

Some dialects of Arabic have glottalised w, y, l, and other sounds,

You! Off my planet!

I'm not a cranky person, I've just been in a very bad mood for 24 years.