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Re: Wenedyk - Nouns

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Monday, September 2, 2002, 19:29
Jan van Steenbergen wrote:
> > --- Christian Thalmann wrote: > > > > BTW In Wenedyk that would be: Mi p£acze [mi pwat_s`E] > > > > Is that a retroflex affricate? I didn't know slavlangs had > > retroflexes... or is that a unique feature of Wenedyk? > >All I know for sure is that Czech has retroflexes. In Polish it should >rather >be considered a postalveolar (or prepalatal?). Since Venedian phonology is >entirely Polish-based, I should probably follow the Polish standard in this >case. >This would make it [mi pwat_SE] after all, I guess...
No! No! Every language worth it's salt must needs have some retroflexes! (The reason for this somewhat emotional outburst is that the present writer during the last couple of week has run into several Swedes who apparently don't hear the difference between retroflex and dental consonants despite consistently pronouncing them differently. I even had an argument with a girl who claimed that _hjärta_ ['jEt`:a] "heart" and _hetta_ ['hEt:a] "heat" rhymes (and those were her pronunciations) ... and I thought the retroflexless dialects, like my father's, were bad enough.) Andreas _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.


daniel andreasson <danielandreasson@...>