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Re: USAGE: would've verses would of

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Thursday, October 25, 2001, 22:52
Tristan Alexander McLeay scripsit:

> So what, exactly, is the status of 'would of' and its friends? Would it > normally be considered right or wrong? and why?
The answers are that the historic form is "would have" and that "would of" is universally considered non-standard: that is, it is not part of {American,British,Canadian,Australian} Standard English, whereas "would've" is a standard abbreviation. That said, historic forms don't necessarily *control* the standard, otherwise we'd say *bridegoom instead of bridegroom (< OE bryd-guma, 'bride-man'). -- John Cowan Please leave your values | Check your assumptions. In fact, at the front desk. | check your assumptions at the door. --sign in Paris hotel | --Miles Vorkosigan