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Re: poll 30? (long...Sal at her most voluble)

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 10:21

"John L. Leland" <CountSirJehan@...> writes:
> In creating Rihana, I created a set of basic words and create all others by > combining them. I like the consistency, but I think it is actually too > consistent for a real language. > John Leland
I was thinking for a system like that in Tyl Sjok, which is consistently a _very basic_ language: like numbers, where you write 'two ten' for 100 (the two is the exponent), I thought about doing it the same way for non-decimal units. I'd choose the smallest that is irregular, say, for time, a second, and make a word for it. Units smaller than a second are usually formed by using '1/10th' or '1/100th', so that's regularly decimal. Therefore, I'd choose the second. And then, I'd enumerate the typical larger units: 'one second' = 'minute' 'two second' = 'hour' 'three second' = 'day' 'four second' = 'week' 'five second' = 'month' 'six second' = 'year' Units above the year start to use decimal system again. Now, that is extremely systematic, but that's what Tyl Sjok is about. (Oh, btw, 'three seconds' would be translated as 'second three' and 'two months' = 'five second two'). **Henrik


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>