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Re: Kinship system

From:David McCann <david@...>
Date:Monday, December 29, 2008, 17:19
On Sun, 2008-12-28, Amanda Babcock Furrow wrote:

> I've put up new versions which are ostensibly HTML files (Word-generated, and > uses o:shapelayout tags; my Firefox is too expensive to start on my system > right now, could somebody confirm if browsers other than IE can read this?)
I'm getting blank pages. The images produce error messages like: The requested URL /~langs/merechi/merechikin.tomo_files/image001.gif was not found on this server. Has something got garbled? There is no text, which may be explained by the usual crop of "unknown property" errors that Word HTML files generates. All this happens with Firefox, Opera, and Konqueror. Will Micro$oft *ever* learn the rules of HTML? Probably not. Incidentally, can Word output pdf? Jeffrey: what are you using that can't read .pdf or .doc files?


Sylvia Sotomayor <terjemar@...>