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Re: Brithenig

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 5, 2000, 16:26
On Wed, 5 Apr 2000 12:09:00 +0200 BP Jonsson <bpj@...> writes:
> The Adur Bursen-Mihr was (and There it still is) one of the three > most holy > fires of Sassanian Persia. (The word I was after was "scion", BTW, > not > "sapling"!) Since Persia There wasn't converted to Islam it > remained > Zoroastrian. In the middle of the 9th century CE Shah Jazdegird V > went to > war against the Uighur empire in Central Asia, nominally because he > considered their Manichaean religion as heretic Zoroastrianism. The > eventual outcome was a number of variously Zoroastrian or > Nestorian-Christian Turkic states in Central Asia. The impact of > the > Mongol conquest was somewhat greater There than Here, in that a > somewhat > greater area of Central Asia, plus Siberia, became Mongol-speaking > and > Buddhist. The western Mongols who beset Russia were mostly > Nestorians > There, but that didn't mean that their relations with the Orthodox > Russians > was any better -- rather the contrary! Another difference between > Here > and There is that the Khazars preserve their ethnic identity and > Judaic > religion to this day. Several Algonquian tribes of Eastern > Vinlandia also > were converted to Judaism by Sephardim who emigrated -- voluntarily > -- from > Spain in the 13th century CE. Like the Khazars of the Old World > they found > themselves pressed by Arabs and Islamized Arawaks pressing north > from the > Caribbean while converting the tribes of what Here is South-Western > US, and > the likewise imperialist Iroquois who had been Christianized by the > Norse, > English and Basque. The Basque language still has a sizable > presence in > Vinlandia, though most of the speakers are not of Old World descent. > /BP > B.Philip Jonsson <mailto:bpj@...>
. Wow, interesting... In the universe of my Judean Romancelang (which is hibernating right now), one of Judea's official languages is Modern Khazar, since there was a mass migration (refered to Hebraicly as _gâlût hazâpôn_ [gAluws has.APown] "the Exile of the North") of Khazarians to Judea when their homeland was conquered by Russia. I planned on also making the Modern Khazar conlang (having convergence with Judean Romance), but i could never find anything anywhere about the Khazar language, besides a picture at of a Khazar engraving that says _hoqurüm_ "i have read [it]" according to the caption. -Stephen (Steg) "...but she did not know that in my eyes there is no difference between my days which have passed and the days of Noahh of which i have heard..." ~ shmu'el hanagid