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Re: Brithenig

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Monday, April 17, 2000, 5:25
Am 04/16 14:04  James Campbell yscrifef:
> This might have got lost, since I buried it in several paragraphs of > blithery about Jameld some days ago. > > a. How pleasant-sounding is Brithenig? > b. What would "James Campbell" be in Brithenig? The surname is said to be a > corruption of Gaelic "caimbeul", meaning crooked mouth - hence my Jameldic > nom de plume, Älvard te Kraamlep {curved lip}.] >
I can assume you I saw it, but I haven't got around to acting upon it. James in Brithenig is Iago. I could hypothesize a name like Cambuch but I would have to research it more thoroughly. At the same time as I'm trying to work out a good translation for Mook Tiber. Tifer for Tiber is easy, but I need to think of a good sounding equivalent for Muke. I'll come back to it when I've thought about it some more. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus The sacred writers have clothed God in a human form, like gleaming amber or fire, and have spoken of its eyes, and ears, and hair, and face, and hands, and wings, and pinions, and arms, and back, and feet. - The Divine Names, 1.8