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Re: Lots of Questions About Tones (more questions)

From:Alex Fink <000024@...>
Date:Monday, July 14, 2008, 1:21
On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 13:24:45 -0400, Eldin Raigmore
<eldin_raigmore@...> wrote:

>On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 14:38:36 -0400, Alex Fink <000024@...> wrote: > >>Can there, or will there, be default numbered pitch levels for the tones in >>a contour(s1) tone language? > >I think that will depend on the IPA and maybe on the linguist discussing the >language. >The IPA has >1 eXtra Low >2 Low >3 Medium >4 High >5 eXtra High
>So maybe you want to use {1, 2, 3, 4} or {2, 3, 4, 5} for a language with four >relevant pitches, but no relevance to "absolute pitch".
Right, wouldn't be the first time the set of distinctions the IPA provided weren't the most convenient for the analysis of some particular language.
>>Or are the realisations of the tones supposed to be completely in free >>variation? > >I'd imagine they're in complementary distribution and are conditioned, at least >partially, by other factors, including perhaps both tonal sandhi and co- >occurring segmental features. I'm not sure that counts as "completely free >variation"; does it?
If it's indeed conditioned, then no.
>The point is they're "allotones", or at least that's what I expect and >understand.
Right. What I was driving towards was asking what sort of schemes of conditioning factors for allotony actually turn up in contour(s1) langs, and in particular whether there can be said to be underlying pitch levels at which each of the tonemes is realised, say when words occur in isolation. Do you have any examples to hand of (claimed) contour(s1) languages and their systems of allotony?
>>If you're just reporting the results of a discrimination task on single >>words each from different speakers presented in isolation, I could see this >>even for speakers of a language without a contour(s1) tone system. Surely >>register(s1) tonality doesn't imply perfect pitch. > >I'm not sure what you said. >I doubt I'd disagree if I understood perfectly, but I understand only
>Could you explain, please?
Suppose we speak a language in which, say, /ma5/ and /ma3/ are distinguished. I wouldn't expect the tonemes /5/ and /3/ to correspond to fixed pitches, but to respectively high and neutral points within a given speaker's range, given that different speakers have different vocal ranges (and this is the case even if any single speaker's deployment of the tones uses absolutely constant pitches). So if you came up to me and intoned /ma/ and nothing else, I wouldn't know whether that was /ma5/ and your neutral pitch was lower than that utterance, or /ma3/ and your neutral pitch matched it. But it would be unwarranted to attribute to our language a contour(s1) system on the strength of this alone. Perfect pitch would be, in a weak sense, helpful in the understanding of a tone language in which tonemes did in fact have constant speaker-invariant frequencies. At least, in this case, it would allow me to figure out which word your /ma/ was. Now, to introduce a question of my own, it seems to me that the actual benefits of perfect(s1) pitch in understanding a register tone language would be extremely marginal -- it's only necessary to distinguish between a family of utterances whose tone-patterns are all transpositions, in the musical sense, of the same melody. For any utterance that's not extremely short, most or all of these transpositions would contain a tone outside the tonal range of our language, and of the ones that don't presumably all but one would be quite likely to be lexically or gramatically or semantically incoherent. In a contour(s1) pitch language, the benefits of perfect pitch would be precisely nil (only interval discrimination would be required). Nonetheless, one hears claims -- such as the one at -- that speakers of Mandarin are "almost nine times more likely" to have perfect pitch than speakers of unspecified non-tonal language. This surprises me, given what I speculated above about vocal range, and especially given that Mandarin seems one of the more likely langs to fit into the contour(s1) framework: of its four tones that can appear on strong syllables, if one regards tone 3 as dipping, none is a transposition of any other. So what's going on here? Is this correlation true? Is my speculation misled? I've not heard analogous claims about tonal languages outside of East Asia, in particular IE langs; is that 'cause they don't hold there, or just 'cause they haven't been investigated?
>And, by the way: > >Thanks!
No problem.