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Re: Hi there!

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Monday, April 24, 2000, 21:58
On Mon, 24 Apr 2000, callanish wrote:

>Greetings, everyone! > >As a Celtic scholar of sorts (My degree is in Scottish Gaelic and I dabble to >varying degrees in the other 5 modern Celtic langs) I'm especially happy to >see how Brithenig has flourished. I remember when Andrew first presented it >on CONLANG years ago, and now it's got a whole world and lots of people seem >to be involved in it. Congratulations, Andrew! I would be delighted to find >out about any other Celtic-based or Celtic-influenced conlang projects, so if >anyone out there knows of one, is working on one, or would like to create >one, please get in touch!
Bengwenid aeredr a Domos! There are rather a few going on at present. I can think of three or four anyway: Breathanach, Arvorec'h, Kernu, Brzhonegh, perhaps one or two others. Also, if you haven't yet, subscribe to celticonlang. This is where most of the Brithenig stuff appears; and also conculture, if you're into constructed cultures, where we find out what the Kemruis people are up to. Both can be found through Padraic.
> >Thomas Leigh >