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Re: CHAT: learning to read

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Thursday, June 17, 1999, 2:52
Herman Miller wrote:

> My mom tells me that when I was young, I would point to the letters of the > alphabet and insist on being told what they were. Sesame Street came out
> the late 60's but by then I already knew the alphabet, and I was reading > well before I got to first grade. I don't have clear memories of the first > three years of school, but I'm pretty sure they used phonics or a similar > method.
Well. I think I had a similar development. I even remeber the first word I learn how to write: it was "avion" (airplane), because I always asked my parents how to write it (or some other words) and they use the name of the letters to tell me. When I came in to first grade (actually grade zero) they bought me the book asked at school, and in a night, before the first day at school, I took the book with my 15 month younger syster and, knowing the letters, I found out how to read. I remember that in school when the teacher said that <m> was the letter /m:/ for me was the letter /eme/, and I proudly was the only one in the class that knew that the picture of a "rana" (frog) was actually the picture of a "sapo" (toad), because I could read it. Short after I flyed to Sweden and begun first grade there, and at the time my classmates where learning how to read, for me those books where actually learning how to speak (Swedish). -- Carlos Th